Blithe Spirit at National Theatre
June 1976 until December 1976.
This production of Blithe Spirit Ran From 18/06/1976 to 21/12/1976 and is a Residency at National Theatre featuring Elizabeth Spriggs, Susan Williamson, Rowena Cooper, Richard Johnson, and Geoffrey Chater [Generated By Dress Circle]
Runtime:80 minutes
Recommended Age: 7+
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Blithe Spirit Cast
Elizabeth Spriggs
Madame Arcati
Susan Williamson
Rowena Cooper
Ruth Condomine
Richard Johnson
Charles Condomine
Geoffrey Chater
Dr Bradman
Joan Hickson
Mrs Bradman
Maria Aitken
Elvira Condomine
Blithe Spirit Creative
Noël Coward
Harold Pinter
Eileen Diss
Set Designer
Robin Fraser Paye
Richard Pilbrow