You Know We Belong Together
Julia Hales has watched every single episode of Australian soap opera Home and Away since it first aired in 1988, but she’s never seen another person with Down syndrome in the cast. She dreams of landing a role in her favourite show and finding love. Family, friends, dreams and lovers are all part of Julia Hales’ deeply personal account of her experiences as a daughter, actor and person with Down syndrome. She brings with her the voices and aspirations of a community rarely seen on stage. Part-play, part-live documentary, You Know We Belong Together is an uplifting show about love, loss, family, friendships and the frustrations and aspirations of living with Down syndrome.
How long does You Know We Belong Together Last for? 70 Minutes
Does You Know We Belong Together have any age restrictions? 12+
Does You Know We Belong Together have an interval? No
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Where is You Know We Belong Together playing?
You Know We Belong Together currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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