Yeast Nation: the Triumph of Life
It is the year 3,000,458,000 BC. Living deep within the murk is the world’s very first life-form. Behold, The Yeasts! With food growing scarce and resources dwindling, The Yeasts are forced to stay true to The Strictures enshrined in law. But when one Yeast decides to break the rules and seek new possibilities, a new emotion changes all they have ever known….love. Featuring numbers including “Stasis is the Membrane”, “Burning Soul”, and “You’re Not The Yeast You Used To Be”, the question on everyone’s lips is: Dear God why are you doing a show about Yeast? But the second, more important question is: Will the Yeast rise, or will it be a Yeasticide?
How long does Yeast Nation: the Triumph of Life Last for? 140 Minutes
Does Yeast Nation: the Triumph of Life have any age restrictions? 11+
Does Yeast Nation: the Triumph of Life have an interval? Yes
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Where is Yeast Nation: the Triumph of Life playing?
Yeast Nation: the Triumph of Life currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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