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Wish You Were Dead


Wish You Were Dead

Wish You Were Dead

When Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and Cleo Morey take their first holiday together, Cleo hopes that she will finally get Grace to herself for a few days and away from his crime solving exploits. But their dream escape turns out to be the holiday from hell, as the past comes back to haunt them. Adapted exclusively for the stage, Wish You Were Dead is the next thrilling instalment in the most successful modern day crime stage franchise, since Agatha Christie.

How long does Wish You Were Dead Last for?

Does Wish You Were Dead have any age restrictions? +

Does Wish You Were Dead have an interval? No

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Where is Wish You Were Dead playing?

Wish You Were Dead currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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  • Amazing show and actors were fantastic. Don’t often see shows without music, so was excellent!

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