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Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror


Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror

Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror

It's 1930s Brandenburg and fascist whispers are growing to shouts. Many are leaving the country, but Waldo and his troupe of acrobats, clowns and conjurors are staying. Every night, they dedicate themselves to the entertainment of others. Hidden beneath the glamour of Waldo’s big top is a story of forbidden love which balances on the tightwire. It’s a tale of courage, resistance, and the transformative power of love when the world is falling apart.

How long does Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror Last for?

Does Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror have an interval? Yes

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Where is Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror playing?

Waldo's Circus of Magic & Terror currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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