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Vampires Rock


Vampires Rock

Vampires Rock

This Rock-tastic, Hilarious, Musical Concert lives up to its rocking reputation. A tongue in cheek story, spellbinding cast, guitar gods and sexy vampettes take you on a ride through some of the greatest eighties classic rock anthems ever! Throwing just the right amount of fun and humour into his script ensures that Steinman always has the audience roaring with laughter. Including tracks from Queen, AC/DC, Meat Loaf, Journey, Guns n Roses and many more. Prepare for a night of mischief and mayhem.

How long does Vampires Rock Last for? 122 Minutes

Does Vampires Rock have any age restrictions? 18+

Does Vampires Rock have an interval? No

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Where is Vampires Rock playing?

Vampires Rock currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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