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Untitled F*ck M*ss S**gon Play


Untitled F*ck M*ss S**gon Play

Untitled F*ck M*ss S**gon Play

Kim is having one of those days. A terrible, very bad, no-good kind of day, and the worst part all feels so familiar. Caught up in a never-ending cycle of events, she looks for the exit but the harder she tries, the worse it gets and she begins to wonder: who's writing this story? She makes a break for it, smashing through a hundred years of bloody narratives that all end the same way. Can she find a way out before it's too late? With breathless hilarity, Kimber Lee's UNTITLED F*CK M*SS S**GON PLAY jumps through time, wriggling inside of and then exploding lifetimes of repeating Asian stereotypes, wrestling history for the right to control your own narrative in a world that thinks it can tell you who you are.

How long does Untitled F*ck M*ss S**gon Play Last for?

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