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Unexpected Twist


Unexpected Twist

Unexpected Twist

Unexpected Twist is a re-telling of the Charles Dickens classic, Oliver Twist, by one the best-loved figures in the children’s book world, Michael Rosen. Shona and her class are studying Oliver Twist. She’s new in school and keeps finding herself in trouble – much like Oliver himself! When she’s given a new phone by a stranger, she begins to suspect there’s something fishy about the new kids she’s met…

How long does Unexpected Twist Last for?

Does Unexpected Twist have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Unexpected Twist have an interval? Yes

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Where is Unexpected Twist playing?

Unexpected Twist currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Very little.
  • An amazing show with a lot of talent. Also addresses some real life issues but also highlights the similarities between then and now and how they are still going on just in different ways.

DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • It was all 'beatbox' and 'rap', not really my thing! The storyline seemed to be mostly about whether you have a phone or not!

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