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Twopence To Cross The Mersey
True story


Twopence To Cross The Mersey

True story
Twopence To Cross The Mersey

Twopence To Cross The Mersey tells the true story of a young girl and her formerly wealthy family as they are suddenly thrown into poverty during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Leaving behind the nannies, servants and comfortable middle-class life in the South West of England, they uproot their shattered lives and choose Liverpool as the city to restart and rebuild their dreams and fortune. Unbeknown to them however, they are in for a terrible shock as she and her family are forced to survive in the slums amongst the streetwise working class.

How long does Twopence To Cross The Mersey Last for? 130 Minutes

Does Twopence To Cross The Mersey have any age restrictions? +

Does Twopence To Cross The Mersey have an interval? Yes

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Where is Twopence To Cross The Mersey playing?

Twopence To Cross The Mersey currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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