Then, Now & Next
Struggling with a difficult past, Alex Shaw is attempting to take steps forward. We follow her journey over twenty years, through two loves – young, adventurous idealist, Stephen, and the older, reliable and charming Peter – as she gathers the scattered chapters of her life, in the hope of re-building her story and asking if she will ever be more than just “fine”. Through Alex’s experiences, her uplifting story questions how relationships can change over time and explores what it takes to truly heal.
How long does Then, Now & Next Last for? 120 Minutes
Does Then, Now & Next have any age restrictions? +
Does Then, Now & Next have an interval? Yes
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Where is Then, Now & Next playing?
Then, Now & Next currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- A really interesting, well crafted piece of theatre! So nice to have a totally original British musical for once because you don't get many of those now. A beautiful, emotional story and the minimal set was cleverly used. Also a fantastic cast - seeing the director Julie Atherton as Alex was a highlight!
- Well written and very enjoyable. Both funny and emotional
What they didn't enjoy
- The songs, while good, were forgettable and all sounded similar. There were constant time shifts back and forth, which did mean I got lost at times, but it was generally done in a way that wasn't confusing.
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