The Worst Witch
Mildred Hubble is just an ordinary girl who found herself in an extraordinary place: a school for witches. But not everyone is thrilled by Mildred’s unexpected arrival and her less than predictable ways. Can she overcome the objections of stern Miss Hardbroom and the conniving tricks of jealous Ethel Hallow?
How long does The Worst Witch Last for?
Does The Worst Witch have any age restrictions? 7+
Does The Worst Witch have an interval? Yes
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Where is The Worst Witch playing?
The Worst Witch currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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- I was 100% drawn into the magic of live performance (one of my first ever theatre experiences aged around 8)
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Previous Productions
Mar 2019 - Jun 2019 | UK Tour 2019 | 9 Locations |
Nov 2018 - Dec 2018 | Royal & Derngate |