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The Wind in the Wilton's


The Wind in the Wilton's

The Wind in the Wilton's

A brand-new adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s much loved The Wind in the Willows by award-winning children’s author Piers Torday (The Last Wild series) comes to Wilton’s this Christmas. Set in modern-day London our story starts in Hyde Park during the spring time, with the adventure unfolding as it moves along the Thames and through the seasons, ending back at Mole’s home in time for Christmas and carols - but only if Toad Hall can be saved from the weasels and their ferret and stoat accomplices… The Wind in the W̵i̵l̵l̵o̵w̵s̵ Wilton’s is a fun, festive show for all the family, bringing up-to-date the Edwardian original with a playful wit and charm, with our heroes tackling modern-day climate issues (although Toad seems less keen), offering a tale of sustainable hope. There will be songs, puppetry and all the favourite characters will be there – Ratty, Mole, Badger, Toad and the Weasels. Not to mention a picnic or two…

How long does The Wind in the Wilton's Last for?

Does The Wind in the Wilton's have any age restrictions? 5+

Does The Wind in the Wilton's have an interval? No

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Where is The Wind in the Wilton's playing?

The Wind in the Wilton's currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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