The Way Old Friends Do
In 1988, two Birmingham school friends tentatively come out to one another: one as gay, the other – more shockingly – as an ABBA fan. Nearly thirty years later, a chance meeting sets them on a brand-new path and they decide to form the world’s first ABBA tribute band – in drag! But can their friendship survive the tribulations of a life on the road which includes platform boots, fake beards and a distractingly attractive stranger? Simultaneously tender and laugh-out loud funny, this heartfelt story will appeal to anyone who understands how it feels to be a fan: of ABBA or of anyone.
How long does The Way Old Friends Do Last for?
Does The Way Old Friends Do have any age restrictions? 14+
Does The Way Old Friends Do have an interval? Yes
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Where is The Way Old Friends Do playing?
The Way Old Friends Do currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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- Touching and funny: Sara Crowe was hilarious.
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