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The Walworth Farce


The Walworth Farce

The Walworth Farce

Holed up in a flat on the Walworth Road, Sean and Blake diligently recite their father Dinny’s lines as they daily re-enact the moment they fled their home in Ireland. But today’s performance is going to be different: Dinny’s got a rage on because there’s a sausage and Ryvita in place of the chicken dinner, Sean’s head’s not been in it since he came back from Tescos, and the three men are about to receive an unexpected visitor…

How long does The Walworth Farce Last for?

Does The Walworth Farce have any age restrictions? 14+

Does The Walworth Farce have an interval? Yes

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Where is The Walworth Farce playing?

The Walworth Farce currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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