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The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical
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The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical

Opening soon
The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical

Henry and Clare’s love story is like no other and yet like all others; they meet, flirt, fight, love, marry… but all out of order. Henry is often and uncontrollably ripped out of time, because he suffers from a rare condition where his genetic clock periodically resets, pulling him into his past or future, vanishing before one’s eyes, never knowing where or when he’s going next. Except he knows he’ll always come back to Clare, whether she’s 5 years old playing in a field or 85, dreaming of her time-travelling husband.

How long does The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical Last for? 130 Minutes

Does The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical have any age restrictions? 8+

Does The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical have an interval? Yes

Seen by 5 fans







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Where is The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical playing?

The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Brilliant performances by David Hunter and Joanna Woodward
  • The effects and the staging was just perfection. Sobbing my heart out by the end.
  • A wonderful story translated beautifully into a musical
  • Some amazing illusions and visual effects. As someone not familiar with the story I understood what the piece was trying to convey.
  • Pretty good. Lovely cast performances and stage effects would have been impressive had Groundhog Day not done them to better effect. Song were lovely but will need to hear them again.
Seen by 5 fans
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DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • Starts off very slow, seems to squash a lot in, technical issues ruined the immersion
  • It was very ballad heavy and I would probably only listen to a couple of the songs again.
  • Maybe need to have read the book/seen the film first. I have seen the film but only once, but it helped.

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