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The Still Room


The Still Room

The Still Room

Janice is a banquet waitress in a small, struggling hotel that is readying itself to host the 'Miss North West' competition in a bid to revive their floundering fortunes. In the still room, where the waiters wait, Janice also waits for her O Level results... if she gets less than four, her father says she has to move out. Bored to death and struggling to see how she can leave her home town, everything changes when a new waitress arrives. She is different to the other waiting staff, her confidence and bold ideas challenge Janice’s own perceptions of the world. So begins a chain of events that will change everything. The Still Room focuses on a young woman trapped by her class, gender and education and asks, ‘how far would you go to change the path of your life?’ A dark and sexy black comedy.

How long does The Still Room Last for? 120 Minutes

Does The Still Room have any age restrictions? 7+

Does The Still Room have an interval? Yes

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The Still Room currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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