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The Singing Mermaid


The Singing Mermaid

The Singing Mermaid

One day, the singing mermaid is tempted away from all of her sea creature friends and her peaceful home at Silversands to join a travelling circus. The audiences love to hear her sing, but the poor mermaid was tricked! Instead of the swimming pool she was promised, she is kept in a small tank by the wicked circus master Sam Sly, and she soon longs to return to the freedom of the sea. Will she ever escape? And who will help her along the way?

How long does The Singing Mermaid Last for? 50 Minutes

Does The Singing Mermaid have any age restrictions? 3+

Does The Singing Mermaid have an interval? No

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Where is The Singing Mermaid playing?

The Singing Mermaid currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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