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The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes


The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes

The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes

The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes is a sly theatrical revelation inspired by mistakes, mis-readings, mis-leadings and misunderstandings, SHADOW reminds us that none of us is self-sufficient and all of us are responsible and poses the question: how do we come together to make decisions that are in the best interest of a civic society? This is a play about individual and collective responsibility.

How long does The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes Last for? 60 Minutes

Does The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes have any age restrictions? +

Does The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes have an interval? No

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Where is The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes playing?

The Shadow Whose Prey the Hunter Becomes currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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