The Scottsboro Boys

In 1931, nine African-American teenagers, between the ages of 13 and 19 years old, were arrested and charged with the rape of two white women, while traveling through Alabama. With no evidence and no proof, these nine young men were convicted and sentenced to death. Based on this infamous case of miscarried justice, The Scottsboro Boys is a haunting and powerful portrait of bravery in the face of enormous adversity. In John Kander and Fred Ebb’s final, visionary collaboration, the now-dead minstrel form is revived and turned on its head, revealing profound truths about the history of our country in toe-tapping song and dance, and heart-wrenching ballads. Gutsy, passionate, and inspiring, The Scottsboro Boys is a remarkable, true story of a group of young men who changed the course of history.
How long does The Scottsboro Boys Last for? 90 Minutes
Does The Scottsboro Boys have any age restrictions? 8+
Does The Scottsboro Boys have an interval? No
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The Scottsboro Boys currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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