The Motive and the Cue
A startling new play on the making of Burton and Gielgud’s Hamlet. Why would the most famous movie star in the world choose to do a play which everyone already knows? And what lures us back to the same plays, year after year? Richard Burton, newly married to Elizabeth Taylor, is to play the title role in an experimental new production of Hamlet under John Gielgud’s exacting direction. But as rehearsals progress, two ages of theatre collide and the collaboration between actor and director soon threatens to unravel. This fierce and funny new play by Jack Thorne offers a glimpse into the politics of a rehearsal room and the relationship between art and celebrity.
How long does The Motive and the Cue Last for? 160 Minutes
Does The Motive and the Cue have any age restrictions? +
Does The Motive and the Cue have an interval? Yes
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Where is The Motive and the Cue playing?
The Motive and the Cue currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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