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The Monkey With No Bum


The Monkey With No Bum

The Monkey With No Bum

Bring your little monkeys to meet Headmaster Mr Plop, Miss Jolly and Charlie the Monkey for a fun-filled visit to Jungle School, in a brand-new interactive children’s show full of dancing, music and laughter. Miss Jolly tells everyone about one of her special pupils, Charlie the monkey, and his journey to learn a very special lesson about himself. Fun-loving Charlie hates his bum, but when he receives a special birthday surprise, he thinks his bum problems are over – but he soon learns that having a bigger, better bum may not be as important as he thinks. Little ones will love The Fruit Picking Song, The Laughter Song, Perfect In Every Way and the super catchy The Bum Bum Song.

How long does The Monkey With No Bum Last for? 60 Minutes

Does The Monkey With No Bum have any age restrictions? 0+

Does The Monkey With No Bum have an interval? No

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Where is The Monkey With No Bum playing?

The Monkey With No Bum currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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