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The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much
ComedyPhysical theatre


The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much

ComedyPhysical theatre
The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much

Wes Anderson meets Hitchcock meets Spaghetti Western in this multi-award winning, fast-paced, raucous whodunnit. Roger, a Frenchman in 1960s New York, has followed the same predictable routine for years, until a minor delay saves him from an explosion. Throwing his ordered world into chaos, Roger chases his would-be assassins around the globe.

How long does The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much Last for? 70 Minutes

Does The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much have any age restrictions? 8+

Does The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much have an interval? No

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The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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