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The Lavender Hill Mob


The Lavender Hill Mob

The Lavender Hill Mob

This side-splittingly funny, fast-paced comedy tells the story of Henry Holland, an unassuming bank clerk who dreams of stealing the van full of gold bullion he drives across London each day. When Henry learns that his new lodger makes Eiffel Tower paperweights out of lead, he devises a plan to make his dream a reality. It’s a golden opportunity to pull off the crime of the century, they’d have to be fools to mess it up … Come and rediscover this much-loved classic in this brand-new stage play that promises to be the most fun night out of the year!

How long does The Lavender Hill Mob Last for?

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Where is The Lavender Hill Mob playing?

The Lavender Hill Mob currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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