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The Haunting of Blaine Manor


The Haunting of Blaine Manor

The Haunting of Blaine Manor

England, 1953. Renowned American parapsychologist Doctor Roy Earle, famous for discrediting hauntings and exposing fake mediums, is invited to attend a séance in what is said to be the most haunted building in England, a building with a horrific history, Blaine Manor. Even the locals won't set foot there, as all who walk within those grounds will be cursed. His arrival at the manor has awoken something, something horrific within the walls. As a raging storm closes off Blaine Manor from the outside world, Earle and the others find that what is waiting there is not nearly as horrific as what has entered with him...

How long does The Haunting of Blaine Manor Last for? 120 Minutes

Does The Haunting of Blaine Manor have any age restrictions? 10+

Does The Haunting of Blaine Manor have an interval? Yes

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The Haunting of Blaine Manor currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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