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The Final Approach
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The Final Approach

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The Final Approach

Sam is the campus outsider who takes on a case to expose a cheating partner but finds himself in a web of deceit, corruption and the incorrect disposal of kitchen waste. Obsessed by detective stories and film noir, Sam can’t help but start digging when his long-term crush drops a case into his lap. As sleep deprivation sets in Sam struggles to hold onto reality and one supposed cheating partner leads to a seismic scandal systematically spread across campus. Using a combination of theatre, film, soundscape and radio Sam recreates the cinematic 'noirish' nightmare inside his mind.

How long does The Final Approach Last for? 70 Minutes

Does The Final Approach have any age restrictions? 16+

Does The Final Approach have an interval? No

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The Final Approach currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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