The Enfield Haunting
The Hodgson’s had no idea what a poltergeist was when, in the summer of 1977, furniture and toys started moving of their own accord. An ordinary, working-class family, who lived in a north London council house became the centre of one of the most famous poltergeist events in the world. This is the story of one night in the spring of 1978 when events were approaching a climax.
How long does The Enfield Haunting Last for?
Does The Enfield Haunting have any age restrictions? +
Does The Enfield Haunting have an interval? No
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The Enfield Haunting currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- It was quite funny. Liked that it was only 75 minutes long. Cast were good
What they didn't enjoy
- It was a little silly, not scary at all and it lulled quite a bit in the middle.
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