The Empress
On the boat from India, Rani, an ayah (nursemaid) befriends a lascar (sailor), an Indian politician and a royal servant destined to serve the Queen. Full of hopes and dreams of what lies ahead, they each embark on an extraordinary journey. Will their expectations come true or will they have to forge a different path in their new country? Spanning 13 years over the ‘Golden Era’ of Empire, this story blends the experiences of Indian ayahs and lascars who worked on the ships carrying trade goods, alongside the first Indian politician to be elected as a Member of Parliament. This epic story reveals how socially diverse the Asian presence was in nineteenth century Britain.
How long does The Empress Last for? 180 Minutes
Does The Empress have any age restrictions? +
Does The Empress have an interval? Yes
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The Empress currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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