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The Elephant Song


The Elephant Song

The Elephant Song

A psychiatrist suddenly disappears from a mental health unit. A young patient of the hospital, Michael, is suspected to be involved in his disappearance. Dr. Greenberg, the hospital director, is determined to question Michael, ignoring the head nurse's cryptic warnings. Michael speaks of elephants and opera, sharing that his mother was a famous opera singer who was distant and uncaring. He discusses the circumstances of his forced stay in the hospital, hints to doctor-patient improper relationships involving him and his supervising doctor, and a bizarre relationship with the head nurse. In a turbulent power struggle with Greenberg, Michael attempts to barter the truth for his potential freedom, with devastating consequences. Fraught with mind games and verbal tugs-of-war, The Elephant Song is a cat-and-mouse game that will keep you guessing until its haunting conclusion.

How long does The Elephant Song Last for? 75 Minutes

Does The Elephant Song have any age restrictions? 14+

Does The Elephant Song have an interval? No

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