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The Damned United
True storyStrong languageFootball


The Damned United

True storyStrong languageFootball
The Damned United

1974. Brian Clough, the enfant terrible of British football, tries to redeem his managerial career and reputation by winning the European Cup with his new team: Leeds United. The team he has openly despised for years, the team he hates and which hates him. Don Revie’s Leeds.

How long does The Damned United Last for? 50 Minutes

Does The Damned United have any age restrictions? 18+

Does The Damned United have an interval? No

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Where is The Damned United playing?

The Damned United currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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  • Completely not what I expected, not a football fan at all but was taken my the story and performance

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