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The Comedy of Errors


The Comedy of Errors

The Comedy of Errors

The play begins with Egeon telling his story. Thirty-three years before the play begins, Egeon, a merchant of Syracuse was travelling home on a boat with his wife, their identical twin boys, and the identical twin boys that Egeon bought for his sons to be their servants. Egeon looked at the clouds, thought there was going to be a storm and panicked. So the crew panicked and abandoned ship, leaving Egeon, one son and his servant tied to one mast, and his wife, the other son and his servant tied to the other. But no storm came. In calm seas, with no one at the helm, the boat drifted serenely in to a rock and was split in two. And so was the family.

How long does The Comedy of Errors Last for?

Does The Comedy of Errors have any age restrictions? 12+

Does The Comedy of Errors have an interval? Yes

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Where is The Comedy of Errors playing?

The Comedy of Errors currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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