The Comedy About a Bank Robbery
Summer 1958. Minneapolis City Bank has been entrusted with a priceless diamond. An escaped convict is dead set on pocketing the gem with the help of his screwball sidekick, trickster girlfriend… and the maintenance man. With mistaken identities, love triangles and hidden agendas, even the most reputable can't be trusted. In a town where everyone's a crook, who will end up bagging the jewel?
How long does The Comedy About a Bank Robbery Last for?
Does The Comedy About a Bank Robbery have any age restrictions? 7+
Does The Comedy About a Bank Robbery have an interval? Yes
Seen by 10 fans
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Where is The Comedy About a Bank Robbery playing?
The Comedy About a Bank Robbery currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- Staging/plot
- So so funny
- This was so funny, I thought my grandad was going to have a 2nd heart attack.
- I am now freaked out by Murphy beds
- Very funny. Super cast.
- Another hit for Mischief Theatre! Even funnier than The Play That Goes Wrong, and it has all the charm of that show but with added musical moments that just make it a joy to watch.
Seen by 10 fans
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What they didn't enjoy
- Slightly obvious/repetitive
- Needs a longer run/return!
- A departure from the usual from Mischief Theatre style
- It ended way too soon! It's heartbreaking that it never got to properly finish its West End run.
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Previous Productions
Aug 2018 - Jun 2019 | UK Tour 2018 | 29 Locations |