The Cat in the Hat
A rainy day becomes a zany day when a boy and his sister receive a chaos-creating caller: The Cat in the Hat! Explore the Cat's wacky, wild, wonderful world in this energetic adaptation of an iconic tale that has introduced the rewards of reading to generations of children.
How long does The Cat in the Hat Last for? 45 Minutes
Does The Cat in the Hat have any age restrictions? 7+
Does The Cat in the Hat have an interval? No
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Where is The Cat in the Hat playing?
The Cat in the Hat currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- Thing one and thing two came out to the audience and booped us and it was funny
What they didn't enjoy
- I only remember some parts because I was little
The Cat in the Hat Discussions
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Previous Productions
Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 | UK Tour 2019 | 10 Locations |