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The Book of Dust - La Belle Sauvage


The Book of Dust - La Belle Sauvage

The Book of Dust - La Belle Sauvage

Two young people and their dæmons, with everything at stake, find themselves at the centre of a terrifying manhunt. In their care is a tiny child called Lyra Belacqua, and in that child lies the fate of the future. And as the waters rise around them, powerful adversaries conspire for mastery of Dust: salvation to some, the source of infinite corruption to others.

How long does The Book of Dust - La Belle Sauvage Last for?

Does The Book of Dust - La Belle Sauvage have any age restrictions? 7+

Does The Book of Dust - La Belle Sauvage have an interval? Yes

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The Book of Dust - La Belle Sauvage currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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