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The Birds and the Bees


The Birds and the Bees

The Birds and the Bees

On Gail’s East Anglian farm the honeybees are dropping like flies – just like her love life. Her husband bolted twenty years ago and she hasn’t slept with anyone since. Her middle-aged daughter Sarah’s marriage is going up in smoke just like her turkey farm and neighbour Earl is fighting a losing battle with his sugar beet yield and his ‘no strings’ relationships. Then along comes city-dwelling bio-student Ben to study those pesky poorly performing pollinators. He could probably also have a look at Sarah’s turkeys, which can’t seem to mate without a human helping hand. Perhaps some local mead and the annual Turkey Day’s Dance will sort everything out – and not just for the birds.

How long does The Birds and the Bees Last for?

Does The Birds and the Bees have any age restrictions? 7+

Does The Birds and the Bees have an interval? Yes

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Where is The Birds and the Bees playing?

The Birds and the Bees currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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