The Big Life
It’s 1948 and on board the Windrush Empire, journeying over from the West Indies to England, Ferdy, Bernie, Dennis and Lennie are full of expectations and aspirations. Eager to make successes of themselves, they are optimistic about what the future holds, plus Dennis is certain that showing his brother’s posthumous medal from World War II will mean he is welcomed heartily. Building this new life will take focus and sacrifice, and the young men make the bold decision to forswear wine and women for three whole years and devote themselves to their future in London. Sybil, Mary, Zulieka and Kathy have other ideas. They know that man cannot live by bread alone! So each one's resolve is put to the test as the reality of life in a less-than-welcoming England, not to mention the weather, makes forgoing the warmth of female company hard to resist. Will the men stick with their idea of The Big Life, or will Cupid have the final say? A joyful and uplifting production, where the story of Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost meets that of the Windrush generation in a fun-packed Ska musical that’ll have you dancing in your seats.
How long does The Big Life Last for?
Does The Big Life have any age restrictions? 10+
Does The Big Life have an interval? No
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Where is The Big Life playing?
The Big Life currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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