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The Beauty Queen of Leenane


The Beauty Queen of Leenane

The Beauty Queen of Leenane

Leenane, County Galway, 1990. In a remote cottage in the mountains of Connemara, 40 year old Maureen Folan lives with her manipulative and possessive mother, Mag. Trapped together in a poisonous cycle of daily battles and with endless rain driving at the walls, Maureen dreams of escape. When a chance for happiness arrives in the form of unexpected suitor Pato Dooley, she dares to hope… But Mag has other ideas and sets in motion a chain of events that build to a terrifying climax…

How long does The Beauty Queen of Leenane Last for? 90 Minutes

Does The Beauty Queen of Leenane have any age restrictions? 11+

Does The Beauty Queen of Leenane have an interval? No

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Where is The Beauty Queen of Leenane playing?

The Beauty Queen of Leenane currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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