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The Beach House


The Beach House

The Beach House

A tender new play that explores the fragility of female relationships as three women grapple with motherhood, sisterhood and distractions. Until a betrayal exposes their secret desires... Moving out of the city to raise their baby, the old house by the sea is supposed to be a peaceful new start for Liv and Kate. But Liv, the stay-at-home mother, is a songwriter in crisis who's too distracted to write, while Kate, who's just had a baby, needs to go back to work to get some order back in her life. And then there's Liv's sister Jenny who, despite wanting to distance herself from her overbearing sibling, finds herself being drawn back to the beach house time and time again.

How long does The Beach House Last for? 85 Minutes

Does The Beach House have any age restrictions? +

Does The Beach House have an interval? Yes

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The Beach House currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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