Terry Deary's Twisted Tales

Three actors perform over 100 roles in as many minutes of fact-based, fast-paced fun! Mr Pimm, a victorian schoolteacher, battles against all odds to teach his pesky pupils a thing or two with hilarious consequences in the quest to discover, 'can the past really tell the future?' enjoy these twisted tales of times gone by in one wild whirlwind that will leave you rolling around with laughter!
How long does Terry Deary's Twisted Tales Last for? 140 Minutes
Does Terry Deary's Twisted Tales have any age restrictions? 4+
Does Terry Deary's Twisted Tales have an interval? Yes
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Terry Deary's Twisted Tales currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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Previous Productions
May 2022 - Jul 2022 | UK Tour 2022 | 6 Locations |