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Tammy Faye


Tammy Faye

Tammy Faye

From a studio in South Carolina, Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker revolutionised religion. Preaching to millions 24 hours a day, Tammy just wants to put the fun back into faith. But a new wave of ministers wants you not to just feel God in your heart, but in your homes, in your schools and in the law too. Tammy Faye is a new musical from legendary songwriter Elton John, Scissor Sisters’ Jake Shears and award-winning writer James Graham.

How long does Tammy Faye Last for?

Does Tammy Faye have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Tammy Faye have an interval? No

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Where is Tammy Faye playing?

Tammy Faye currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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