Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard weaves a magnificent tale of faded glory and unfulfilled ambition. Silent movie star Norma Desmond longs for a return to the big screen, having been discarded by tinsel town with the advent of “talkies.” Her glamour has faded in all but her mind. When she meets struggling Hollywood screenwriter Joe Gillis in dramatic circumstances, their subsequent passionate and volatile relationship leads to an unforeseen and tragic conclusion.
How long does Sunset Boulevard Last for? 155 Minutes
Does Sunset Boulevard have any age restrictions? 12+
Does Sunset Boulevard have an interval? Yes
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Where is Sunset Boulevard playing?
Sunset Boulevard currently has no current or future productions scheduled
Use the button above to add it to your followspot and be notified when something is announced.What they loved
- Totally new production by Jamie Lloyd The whole concept of it being in black and white was excellent and Nicole Scherzinger Just made me cry with her two solo numbers. Brava Brava
- I’ve seen the original production before which was good, and am not usually a fan of those “raw, stripped back” versions of shows, but what Jamie Lloyd has done with this is nothing short of incredible. Nicole Scherzinger was simply sensational.
What they didn't enjoy
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