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Sunflowers & Sheds


Sunflowers & Sheds

Sunflowers & Sheds

A heart-warming show for children and their families With Frank’s family so far away, he passes the time on his beloved allotment. When the plot next door becomes vacant, he really looks forward to meeting his new neighbour. Until she arrives that is! Isabella and her cheeky chickens soon disrupt Frank’s peaceful routine. Things come to a head when Frank discovers Isabella in his shed, but he misunderstands the reason why.

How long does Sunflowers & Sheds Last for? 50 Minutes

Does Sunflowers & Sheds have any age restrictions? 4+

Does Sunflowers & Sheds have an interval? No

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Where is Sunflowers & Sheds playing?

Sunflowers & Sheds currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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