Stranger Sings! The Parody Musical
Take a trip with your favourite gang on a night of indulgent pop culture references, heavy synth, poor parenting, dancing demogorgons and maybe - just maybe - you might find justice for Barb along the way. Let the incredible original writing of Jonathan Hogue subvert the genre with this fearless parody, where there are too many mullets, a generous helping of fairy lights, and the 80s finally embraces feminism. So, hop(per) on your bike and grab your transmitter radio (don’t forget your inhaler); because saving your friends is the answer to this never ending story. No mouthbreathers allowed.
How long does Stranger Sings! The Parody Musical Last for? 80 Minutes
Does Stranger Sings! The Parody Musical have any age restrictions? 16+
Does Stranger Sings! The Parody Musical have an interval? No
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Stranger Sings! The Parody Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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Sep 2023 - May 2024 | UK Tour 2023 / 24 | 47 Locations |