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Soul Sisters : The Musical


Soul Sisters : The Musical

Soul Sisters : The Musical

We join the three friends during a visit to a classic holiday camp Soul Weekender, as they seek to reclaim that elusive closeness they once shared as starry-eyed teens. They face the real, honest truths and express themselves in the only way they know how – through the very music that brought them together and took them to the top of the charts. Can they pull off a performance of a lifetime? Do they still have what it takes? Is their bond strong enough to overcome their flaws? Can they forgive and forget and remain Soul Sisters?

How long does Soul Sisters : The Musical Last for?

Does Soul Sisters : The Musical have any age restrictions? 7+

Does Soul Sisters : The Musical have an interval? Yes

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Where is Soul Sisters : The Musical playing?

Soul Sisters : The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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