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Side Show


Side Show

Side Show

This legendary cult musical tells the true story of Daisy and Violet Hilton born in Brighton in 1908. Beautiful, talented, and joined at the hip, they were sold to Mary Hilton, who believed they would be a lucrative investment. They began touring with circuses and carnivals at the age of three and became the toast of the Vaudeville circuit where they gained fame and recognition, sharing billing with such luminaries as Harry Houdini and Bob Hope. Side Show includes songs such as Like Everyone Else, When I'm By Your Side, and Who Will Love Me As I Am? When Side Show opened on Broadway in 1997 it was hailed by the New York Times as "a bright and moving musical with poignancy, urgency, and a refreshingly unsentimental honest" and was nominated for 4 Tony awards.

How long does Side Show Last for? 140 Minutes

Does Side Show have any age restrictions? 10+

Does Side Show have an interval? No

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Side Show currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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