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Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear


Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear

Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear

A mysterious, coded message is received, a warning of imminent danger, drawing Sherlock Holmes and the faithful Dr Watson into a tale of intrigue and murder stretching from 221B Baker Street to an ancient moated manor house to the bleak Pennsylvanian Vermissa Valley. Faced with a trail of bewildering clues, Holmes begins to unearth a darker, wider web of corruption, a secret society and the sinister work of one Professor Moriarty.

How long does Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear Last for? 140 Minutes

Does Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear have any age restrictions? 11+

Does Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear have an interval? Yes

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Where is Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear playing?

Sherlock Holmes: The Valley Of Fear currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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