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Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth
Strong languageParodyNudity


Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth

Strong languageParodyNudity
Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth

Upon hearing the weird sisters’ prediction, Macbeth and his wily wife take matters into their own hands and burn down everything in their wake. Well, almost. Fair is foul and foul is fair in this tale of prophecy gone slightly off the rails. Perhaps an inebriated actor will help the process along? Featuring Shakespeare’s most lovable witches, ghostly best friends, hell-hounds, unhinged wives, enough dead kings to give Game of Thrones a run for its money, and lots of plaid. Settle in for a pint (or two!) and raise a glass with us. Sh!t-faced Shakespeare® is the classic combination of a Tetris-ed together Shakespeare script, a six pack of professional actors and a luge of booze! What could possibly go right?

How long does Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth Last for? 140 Minutes

Does Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth have any age restrictions? 18+

Does Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth have an interval? Yes

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Where is Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth playing?

Sh!t Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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