Say Yes To Tess
Tess has moved back to Leeds after a break up. Temping at a call centre and trying to survive a frosty house-share, she’s feeling lost, until she meets the Yorkshire Party and is inspired to stand in the 2017 UK General Election. Thrust into the spotlight, Tess takes the Yorkshire Party’s passion for people, park & rides and Yorkshire devolution to the streets, finding friends in unlikely places. But with the General Election getting ever closer, she starts to question whether she’s doing the right thing.
How long does Say Yes To Tess Last for?
Does Say Yes To Tess have any age restrictions? 7+
Does Say Yes To Tess have an interval? Yes
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Say Yes To Tess currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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Mar 2022 - Apr 2022 | UK Tour 2022 | 2 Locations |