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Rebecca, with 22 original songs, is a gripping thriller full of intrigue and surprises that sticks closely to the original novel. Wealthy Maxim De Winter brings his naïve new wife home to his Cornish estate, Manderley, where the manipulative housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers, resents the new wife’s intrusion. She persuades her that she is an unworthy replacement for the first Mrs. De Winter, the glamorous and mysterious Rebecca, who perished in a drowning accident, with tragic results...

How long does Rebecca Last for? 135 Minutes

Does Rebecca have any age restrictions? 12+

Does Rebecca have an interval? Yes

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Where is Rebecca playing?

Rebecca currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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LikesWhat they loved

  • Beautifully cast and what incredible voices they all have. Enjoyed the staging a lot in general.

DislikesWhat they didn't enjoy

  • I’m not quite sure if it was meant to be as campy as it was. Also could have easily trimmed about 20 mins, or not turned absolutely everything into a song.

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