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Potty the Plant


Potty the Plant

Potty the Plant

A new dark-comedy musical starring Potty, a singing, talking, tap-dancing pot plant. When mysterious things start happening at Little Boo Boo's General hospital, a ragtag bunch of dysfunctional nurses must pull together to save the day. What could be happening to all the missing children? Will the beautiful Miss Lacey ever find true love? Is there more to the nasty-looking Dr Acular than meets the eye? Will Potty and the gang solve this mystery before it's too late? Annoyingly catchy songs, heart-warming friendships and twisted humour.

How long does Potty the Plant Last for? 60 Minutes

Does Potty the Plant have any age restrictions? 16+

Does Potty the Plant have an interval? No

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Potty the Plant currently has no current or future productions scheduled

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