Police Cops: The Musical
USA, 1985: Rookie Police Cop Jimmy Johnson joined the force to protect, serve, and avenge his sister’s death... But now Jimmy's in deep, partnered up with a disgraced, renegade Police Cop and leaned on by a racist Chief. With guns loaded and safety catches off, Jimmy’s on a freewheeling adventure from the mean streets of America to the back-alleys of Mexico – where destiny awaits in the form of grizzled Mexican ex-Police Cop Juanita Gonzalez. Multi-award-winners Police Cops present a cinematic comedy blockbuster joyride full of grit, guns and uncompromising facial hair – all set to a blasting 80s power-pop soundtrack. Featuring an expanded ensemble, original songs and a live band, their unique physical comedy mayhem is supercharged for their most ambitious show yet.
How long does Police Cops: The Musical Last for? 105 Minutes
Does Police Cops: The Musical have any age restrictions? 12+
Does Police Cops: The Musical have an interval? Yes
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Where is Police Cops: The Musical playing?
Police Cops: The Musical currently has no current or future productions scheduled
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- Genuinely one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen. Booked a second showing as I was heading out of the door.
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